Find an apprenticeship Search and apply for an apprenticeship in England

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Browse by category
Category search is currently unavailable. Please try again or use the keyword search

You can run your saved searches from here. When you search using keyword or category, you can save this search by clicking “Receive alerts for this search” on the results page.

Can include job title, employer or reference number

Try words that describe the type of apprenticeship you want, for example “carpentry” or “mechanics”.

Enter postcode, town or city
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  1. Start tour

    If you'd like some help on how to use the search to find apprenticeships that are suitable for you, start the tour here.

  2. If you know the type of apprenticeship you’re looking for use the keyword search.

  1. If you know the type of apprenticeship you’re looking for use the keyword search.

  2. If you want to see what apprenticeships are available in different industries you can search by category (eg construction or retail).

  3. If you have saved searches you can run them from here. You can save as many different searches as you like.

  4. Select this option if you'd like to refine your search by job title, employer or reference number.

  5. Type your keyword here, alternatively you can leave it blank to look for any apprenticeship in your selected area.

  6. If you'd like to use your device's position to get your current post code, click here and then click "Allow" when prompted.

  7. You can search for apprenticeships in any location in England. This can be near your home or where you’d like to work.

  8. Choose how far from your location you want to search.

  9. You can also search by level. Intermediate is equivalent to 5 GCSE passes, Advanced is 2 A-level passes, a Higher can lead to a foundation degree and Degree is equivalent to bachelor's or master's degree.

  10. If you want to start with blank fields, you can clear the form with the button.

  11. At any time, quickly return to the search by clicking this link in the header.

  1. If you want to see what apprenticeships are available in different industries you can search by category (eg construction or retail).

  2. Select a category from this list, once you browse you'll then see a list of sub-categories you can select on the results page.

  3. If you'd like to use your device's position to get your current post code, click here and then click "Allow" when prompted.

  4. You can search for apprenticeships in any location in England. This can be near your home or where you’d like to work.

  5. Choose how far from your location you want to search.

  6. You can also search by level. Intermediate is equivalent to 5 GCSE passes, Advanced is 2 A-level passes, a Higher can lead to a foundation degree and Degree is equivalent to bachelor's or master's degree.

  7. If you want to start with blank fields, you can clear the form with the button.

  1. If you have saved searches you can run them from here. You can save as many different searches as you like.

  2. Select one of your saved searches and then run your saved search.